So last week I decided to be creative and take some pictures of the girls around our neighborhood. It was over 40 degrees, the warmest day we'd had in a while, so we got dressed and went for it. I didn't get any good ones of them together, but they did pretty well individually. Oh and they made up their own poses for the most part. They didn't like many of my ideas. :)
Then I tried for the first time to enhance the colors a little bit on our super low-grade photo program, it was pretty fun! and it really made a difference, changing them from a dull winter day to a little more bright and exciting.
So here are my masterpieces! The first ones are by our neighbors' fence.
I like her expression best in this one. That's my Katelyn!
let me remind you they came up with their own poses!
Then we went to this sweet old garage door on a shed on the outskirts of town- so cool and thanks Melanie for the tip! You can see on some of these I enhanced that blue a little more than others! :)
she really wanted her boots to show :)
another of whitney's poses. to be fair, it was quite cold in the shade. 40 degrees or less.
love these next two!
our last location, I had to tell them to laugh to get them to smile because they were tired of it, so this is what I got!
overall, I'm very happy with the results. I have tried taking pictures of them myself in the past, but this time I learned that location and color enhancing really do make a difference!
Now I just need to learn to shoot better and not get the ugly concrete floor or random edge of my neighbors' house in the picture. :)