Monday, November 15, 2010

At long last, the Halloween post!

This year Katelyn decided to be a princess with the costume from our costume box and Whitney was an elephant with Kate's old costume. No buying or making costumes, AWESOME. Since we live in Utah we went trick-or-treating on Saturday, along with everyone else. :) Sadly it was a stormy day. We tried to go out between big downpours, but of course we ended up caught in one and had to take shelter in a friend's home while Eric ran home and got the car to pick us up. We waited a while and had better luck on our second try. :)

Here is Whitney on Halloween morning! I had made orange-colored banana muffins for breakfast, and accidentally left the food coloring on the counter. Then I went upstairs with katelyn to put her hair in rag curlers for her princess look. 20 minutes later I realized Whitney was eerily silent and I thought she was in the kitchen. I called down "Whitney are you making a mess?" She said "yes!" and I said "with what?" I couldn't think of what she could be getting into that would really be a problem, but then she said "black" and I was very puzzled, went to check and she was happily squirting food coloring, like half of each little bottle into her juice, on her muffin, and all over the counter. And it was black! Her hands and face were fine by later that day but she still had a few green splotches on her tummy the next morning when she took a bath. Silly.
Katelyn the princess
the princess and the elephant at our neighbor's house
Right before it started raining!
The day after Halloween we went to Walmart and found this little number (pajamas!) for only $8! So we can see why they waited until after Halloween to put it out- everyone would have bought these instead of paying $25 for a Woody costume! Katelyn was in heaven.


  1. Absolutely LOVE the PJ'S!!.....and the food coloring story. Looking forward to seeing you guys on Fri.

  2. okay this seriously made my day!!!! LOVE KATELYN'S little pajamas, and the whitney story is too good. "are you making a mess," "yes." love it!

  3. That's hilarious about the food coloring. When I play with water and food coloring with Caleb, he loves mixing them all together to make black. I can just imagine doing it without diluting!

  4. dude tell katelyn to bring her woody pjs cause we want to see those babies in person!!!
