Friday, April 16, 2010


The girls made these masks at story time at the library, and Katelyn played Easter bunny all that afternoon. :)
Easter Bunny Day morning! Katelyn was thrilled with her $2 sidewalk chalk.
finding an egg
As you can see, Whitney was also thrilled with the contents of her Easter basket.
A Littlest Pet Shop dog! She had been trying to steal Katelyn's for weeks. :)
At our city Egg Hunt! I was with Whitney so I only got pictures of her. She LOVED staring at all the eggs before it started...
and really enjoyed the leisurely pace of the 2-and-under egg field. She kept picking up toothbrushes and pencils instead of eggs though. :)
Eric said Katelyn SPRINTED out when they started and was all alone picking up eggs for a minute until the other 3-and-4-year-old kids (and Eric!) caught up. Nice work :)
Easter morning I had a nice little sunrise devotional with just Katelyn (at 7:30, when the sun comes up over our mountain), then we got to have a nice relaxing breakfast with Katrina and Phillip and watch conference all day. I just love Conference weekend.


  1. Your girls are getting so big. They are adorable.

  2. hah i love that mask, hilarious. i don't know parents can even keep a straight face sometimes:)

  3. Love all their expressions. Such cute girls! Looks like you had a great Easter weekend.
