Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Whitney singing

We discovered a couple of days ago that Whitney has learned this song! I love nursery!

I love how she keeps looking at Katelyn, who was right behind me whispering the words. And she likes to say "hey!" at the end of every song, like we do at the end of Jingle Bells.

Also in the background is her pig, which deserves a post of it's own. Coming soon.


  1. oh my she has grown up so much since new years. we need to get on the web cam!

  2. That's so cute. We have that same pig. How funny!

  3. So priceless! She did such a great job singing that song. Miss all of you like crazy. Can`t wait for June to get here to see you guys. :)

  4. How cute! I think Hannah is going to adore her. Hopefully she'll be following her around! We have taught her stairs though...she learned up on her own, but we taught her to go down and she was going up and down this afternoon. Yeah!

  5. She's a star in the making! I love how she sings with such enthusiasm. What a cutie!

  6. i can't wait to see you guys soon too! natalie is going to love whitney! do katelyn and whitney like babies? caleb smiles at natalie all the time so i bet they will like him if they can make him smile =o]
