Monday, March 2, 2020

New Years Murray Party

First of all- our 16th Anniversary picture.  It keeps getting better!! Excited for the next 16 years and more!

This year Brad took Mary to Hawaii for Christmas, so we had a big family party on New Years instead!  Elizabeth and her family came because she's having a BABY this summer, yay! So this was their chance to come play at the new house.  Did I mention Eric's parents bought a house in Highland?  After years of looking!  It's a grandkids' paradise!! 

We ended up having a REALLY fun foam war with the kids on New Years Eve!
Kids vs. grownups and apparently Whitney, and we could not keep up with the amount of foam blocks they were chucking out of the pit!
The pre-New Years party at 10pm for the littles:
Yay!  All the cousins except naomi.
The real party at midnight!  We managed to stay up that late haha.  We played games and it was really fun.

A few days later we went tubing in Midway, it was really fun!

And ate a fabulous dinner!

But also on NY Day we went sledding in Highland, it was fun, the kids are brave!  But I bruised my tailbone on a rock and it hurt for a month....I will forever be more cautious!

On January 3rd Whitney went to the temple for the first time!  So exciting and special to go together just the 4 of us.

And for some reason these pics accidentally loaded onto this here's a sneak peak at 2020!
Running by the ocean and treating stingray stings- ouch!!
And Owen's amazing Harry Potter birthday party- the Diagon Alley set-up.
Wow what a year.  We are in the thick of it and it is generally a lot of fun!  Kids growing and learning, making memories, fighting and apologizing. Life is good. Peace out 2019.

Christmas Day!!

The kids kindly let us sleep in until 6:45, which was our compromise lol.
Here's Emma seeing her balance bike from Santa! And taking things one at a time out of her stocking and enjoying them.  So cute.

I couldn't get Maris to hold still so these are blurry lol.  Jaw drops and bouncing for joy over unicorn socks. :)

Owen the Lego Boy was pretty happy with his big present from Santa.
And the many science-y and other Lego gifts he got!

Whitney got the HP lego set she wanted from Santa..... but had the biggest reaction to her giant squishmallow from Katelyn and Maris!!

Katelyn had a fun surprise- an Oregon Trail game!  And of course SO many books! To her delight!

More opening present fun:

And everyone enjoying their presents:

Mermaid tails from Grammy

Whitney spent her own money to get this stroller for Emma, and she LOVES it!

My family on Christmas morning.  I love them.  Eric got me an awesome wireless charger for my phone and something else awesome I can't remember at the moment.  And I got him an adult scooter which has been well-loved and used!

Kate is rarely seen using electronics, but she enjoys this one!

And then we had LEGO TIME. For like 3 days haha.

And here's the Christmas Eve picture I forgot to post on the correct page. And the tree....I love it.

Until next year....goodbye Christmas.