Friday, July 21, 2017

Emma's First 2 months of life!

Here are some things I want to remember:
1. Her first week we were all fighting over turns to hold her. :)
2. She slept at least 20 hours a day for her first 2 months!  Sleepiest baby ever!
3. She has never cried for more than 5 minutes at a time in her life.
4. She started sleeping through the night at age 6 weeks old!!!!  Miracle!!!  Only Owen did that, none of the other girls.
Other things she has in common with Owen-- she looks most like Owen's baby pictures, and she has started sucking her thumb!  Hence the sleeping through the night!  She also got the awful face rash that Owen got, but I knew how to deal with it this time so it only lasted a couple of weeks and was never as horrible as poor Owen's!
5. Emma has the hiccups more than any other human.  She's hardly spits up.
6. Shestarted smiling at 6 weeks and it has been SO much fun for everyone to enjoy her coos and smiles.
7. Emma spent her first couple of weeks of life sleeping on Dad.  Eric took the week off after she was born and it was the best thing ever!!  For all of us.
8. I was super emotional day 2. And the next few days I was pretty good but I still cried almost every day because Emma was one day older and I was never going to have a 3 day old baby again, a 5 day old baby again, etc.  It's still sad to me!  I was so sad when I realized she wasn't going to wake up in the night to eat any more.  I mean don't get me wrong, I am super grateful, but being up in the night with my babies has sometimes been a sweet bonding time. As long as they go right back to sleep after eating, and don't wake up excessively much, it hasn't been too bad.  So I was sad to think I would never take care of my own sweet babies like that again. ;(  Also getting a full night's sleep makes me feel like I have no excuse anymore, like I should be doing everything again.  I put too much pressure on myself.  So I need to work on that!

Emma is such a little sweetie and I am so so so grateful we get to have her in our family.  I've been trying to not be sad as she grows up-- just to be grateful that we get to do all of this one more time!!
We have been so blessed with our beautiful baby.  We are so lucky.

We came home from the hospital to a clean house and a surprise party! thanks to my mom and katelyn and whitney!

Eric took the kids on dates and hikes and was amazing,
post from facebook:
She's done it again! My mom has been here this week working her magic. Playing board games with the kids and reading to them. Cooking and cleaning with them. Making sure I rest--while she works! Taking night shifts with Emma so I can get more sleep. Putting up with my grumpiness or pickiness, talking to Eric...she does it all! I love you Mom! #grammyforthewin #ihavealotofkids

 Easter baby!
 meeting grandma Murray
meeting her cousin Justin, born 3 weeks before her

She had a wonderful first 2 months of life!!

Emma Anne

The sweetie pie was born on March 31st.  I was induced 3 days early and everything went well. I wrote about labor and delivery in my journal, so this is just a post about Emma's life day 1 and 2. :)
She came out and the doctors were surprised at her size (as usual for our family lol).  They quick checked and weighed her ( and she was already gnawing on her hand starving!)

And 30 seconds later I was holding her! 

First pic with mom and dad:

Dad's turn:

Mom's turn: ( you can see her looking for food, thats all she wanted to do her first couple hours was eat!!)
Then we went to our room downstairs and they didn't take her away to do a bath and tests like usual, they did it all in my room! It was awesome and so cute, she was so relaxed! 

 After a couple of hours, the kids came to see her.  It was adorable!!  The pictures tell the story pretty well:

 Also, giant shout out to Derek and Raycelan.  Photo credit goes to her for all these hospital pics of the kids.  And basically they are the best ever!!  They came over at 6am that morning (and were on call all week just incase!) and took care of the kids all day!!  After taking them to dinner they came to the hospital.  And the best part is, they were ready to spend the night at our house and keep babysitting the next day!  They didn't know Mom was on her way yet, they thought I needed them to do it, they were in for the long haul!  So wonderful, so kind.  They deserve medals and we will owe them forever!!
Derek's beard is a little scary in this picture though haha.
Owen wanted another turn but afrter a minute he was like "my arms are getting really tired!"
Whitney wanted one million turns lol

First family pic!

soon Grammy arrived to see Emma!
And then I was in for a night of sweet bonding time/getting woken up way too many times by the nurses to "check on" me and Emma.  Really it would have been best for my recovery to just get some SLEEP!
But at least Emma was adorable.

The next morning Eric came back to hang out with us and watch General Conference and eat hospital food and pick out her middle name!  I only had one emotional breakdown "I can't be expected to make big decisions like this today!!" But Eric was awesome, holding her up to me and saying "look at this face, I don't think she cares what we name her, she will be cute no matter what" so we decided on Anne for her middle name, even though it's like her first name backwards almost, Eric likes it like that. :) And he has an ancestor named Emma Anne.  And my great-grandma was named Emma.

I just wanted to enjoy every precious second with my last newborn baby.
Every baby hates their first outfit!
First car ride!