Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Christmas Morning ❤️

 Well these pictures are backwards too, oh well. We had Christmas morning with my parents, which was different. I was worried about it being different, but we all were overly concerned for nothing.  It turned out fine and fun.

So here's a bunch of present opening. I just love all the happy faces. Maris getting a polly pocket toy she wanted, and Katelyn realizing Whitney had gotten her a gift card to a cute book shop!
Emma thrilled with her surprise new YELLOW Nikes!  And Owen thrilled with getting milk.....I used a lot of those boxes in wrapping!  But that usually meant there were multiple presents inside, which is fun.
Whitney opening a cute tiny present from Owen- a pineapple ring he picked out all on his own! And Emma's cute happy face about getting her own whiteboard.
Best wrapped gift award!  Katelyn was giving Owen an old Lego set, and she put it in a washed out milk carton!! So funny!
Watching Breath of Heaven while eating our traditional breakfast of cinnamon rolls, orange rolls, Oranges and Egg Nog Smoothie. Proof that my parents were there!
Stocking and Santa presents first thing!  Whitney laughing at a gift and Maris reading the name of a new kind of chapstick- Trader Joe's
Happy Whitney and Owen with his new Lego Rubik's cube :)

Emma got a Rubik's cube too, and big sisters watching Emma open something.

Biggest surprise of the day, which was SO hard to keep, Katelyn finding out that she got tickets to New York!!  Hello Senior Trip!!! So cute and such an exciting Christmas/Birthday/Graduation present.
The first of many many solved Rubik's cubes of the day haha.  And Owen chugging his present!
And back to the early morning- Emma and Maris being surprised by things, and me in the background. Oh actually I guess it's Maris trying on her new crocs!
Owen examining his new Lego set, and Emma showing off a travel jewelry case.
Whitney smiling over Maris' excitement about new pink fuzzy crocs, and singing something as usual :) while holding her new Converse.  

Katelyn emerging and saying ooooh, and Owen with his sweet new Nikes, it really was a shoe Christmas!  and Whitney coming out of the hallway smiling
Cheating Hallway picture!  Katelyn is only a couple inches taller than Whitney, so she is on tiptoe!  And Owen is gaining on Whitney. So we will have to do pictures like this second one in the future if we want to see everyone's faces lol.
It was a lovely Christmas morning. 

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