Monday, June 15, 2009

Laundry detergent for 1 cent per load!

I keep forgetting to post this, but it's awesome!! My amazingly creative cousin Kendra showed me, and I finally made some! It is SO EASY and it works great! Your clothes come out with no smell though, which is not bad just odd. But my friend Heather told me she makes this laundry soap too and she just puts a tiny bit of fabric softener in each load to give it a "clean laundry smell". Do it, it's easy and I'm going to save $30 this year on laundry detergent ( I used to buy the cheapest I could find and I estimate I've been paying 10-15 cents per load).
Here's the link:

Not that we're like dying for that extra $30, but this stuff was fun to make and I felt cool for trying it. :) And now I'm going to pay to run another race this summer with that money. :)

1 comment:

  1. I know, I'm so glad that Kendra figured that out. I'm still on my first batch I made, so I've only made it once, but it was super easy, and hey- I'm like you, I'd rather just save that $30!

    I vote that everybody in our family figures out cool things and then we all copy each other Ü.... and speaking of which Kendra and I want to copy your birthday banner that you made forever ago. We might be calling you soon to get more details. (Cause it was super cute!!)
