Friday, June 12, 2009

Katelyn is the big 3!!

Here she is, the birthday girl!! Isn't this outfit adorable? Check out the shoes. Thank you Aunt Elizabeth and Grandma! And isn't this girl adorable? I know this is cliche, but I really can't believe she's three. Yes she's been the size of the average three year old and speaking as well as the average three year old for almost a year. And I haven't thought of her as my baby for a while now. But three is a pre-schooler. Three is OLD!
So we had a great, although long, day. We had this big swim party planned, but it was raining, so we had to go with plan B. We just had a little party at our house with a few friends, and I completely forgot to take pictures. I'm still new at this whole "having a child old enough to have a birthday party" thing. But it was a fish-themed party, in honor of Finding Nemo. My favorite part was all the kids fishing off my balcony thing at the top of the stairs. Here's her last couple of friends before they left. She was really cute with them and shared really well during the party.
We picked up Eric from work early and went to our favorite park in Provo.
Whitney loves the tunnels, and I love Eric's face sticking in on the edge of this picture. :)
Kately made a new friend at the park- statue girl! She's so funny, I just found her doing this. She likes to hold other kids' hands.
Then we went out to eat, and then met Elizabeth to go bowling! Luckily Kate thought that was just as fun as a swimming party.
Whitney kept trying to pick up the balls. :) Katelyn could barely do it.
Whitney wanted to bowl really bad, so I let her have all my second turns. She was really good at pushing the ball!
We brought Katelyn's last present from us to open there, and it was... Lighting McQueen (and friends) PJ pants! I got the fabric at Walmart. SO exciting!
She was so excited to be "all matching" when we got home. And Eric says thanks to his mom for getting him, I mean Katelyn, this basketball hoop for her birthday. :)
Thanks to everyone for all the great presents!!!
and our last act of the day, cake and ice cream of course. And a Lightning McQueen cake of course.
One more treat for ya- a video of Katelyn opening her tractor. I love how she's talking the whole time she's opening- listen from the very beginning. Yay for birthdays!

Oh and I wanted to list a few of my favorite things about Katelyn right now.
She is such a good sister, always concerned about Whitney and trying to make her happy. Even when Whitney steals her toys and she freaks out, she still ends up sharing most of the time.
She is very enthusiastic. I love her "o-kay!!" when I ask her if she wants to do something.
Just the last couple of weeks she has been praying! It's the cutest thing in the world. She doesn't really ask for anything, she always just names off all the things she's thankful for: "we're grateful that we got to play outside, for Whitney, for dad coming home, etc. Eric and I just peek at each other and grin during her beautiful prayers.
She is so creative in her play. I love to see all the things she makes up with her cars, trains, animals, and dolls.
She loves to learn. She just soaks up books and scripture stories and she LOVES Family Home Evening.
She's really into matching clothes. She wants to wear the same colors or matching train shirt and underwear. She wants to wear a necklace so she'll "look cute".
She's so silly and I just love her laugh.

I love you Katie girl!!


  1. Happy Birthday to your big girl! So cliche, but they grow up so fast! You're such a super mom for making her day so special.

  2. Your girls are so cute! My mom wanted me to pass on to you, that she is in Santaquin right now.(sorry if I butchered the spelling) She is at a park you can camp at for a family reunion. She'll be there until tomorrow. She would love to see you. I will email you her phone number and you can give her a call.(hopefully you have the same email.)

  3. Wow... THREE!! I'm right there with you! It seems just yesterday (okay, more like a couple days ago Ü) that we were both pregnant and then had brand new cute girl babies! ...and now they're three!

    I'm glad it was such a great day for cute Katelyn! And I loved the birthday pjs... and especially that they were lightening mcqueen and that she was opening up the tractor for her present! She would fit in so perfectly at our house! Sarah totally got some cars stuff for her birthday too... its what's played with at our house. Sarah's girly, but definitely likes the boy stuff too. I like it that way.

    Anyway, Happy Birthday Kate!!!
