Wednesday, May 23, 2012

he can hold up his head!

 Owen has finally started holding his head up during tummy time and enjoying it!  He looks so old and cute when you can see his chin and neck haha

 He holds it up for so long now, yay!

 and we try to make him sit up with the boppy for support!  I love this picture for some reason.
 and this one!  
 and one more of him in the suit coat... more on that later.
random insert-
we got to see Grandpa Jamie and my grandparents at my cousin's wedding reception last weekend!
 so since Owen's growing up he and Eric have been practicing standing on his hand...
 ... he's still pretty collapsible!
 and here's the sweet suit coat I made for Owen out of Eric's old pants and shirt.  I wanted one for him for our family pictures we took this week and I couldn't find one anywhere to buy, and no one had one for me to borrow, so... I whipped out this baby over the weekend.  It turned out just like I imagined!  Love it!
also... I found the sweatshirts on the left for $1 at Walmart, and made them into dresses for the girls on the right.  Awesome.


  1. wow! you're super talented! those look great and owen is adorable. you make cute babies. :)

    You are ridiculously talented!
    that sparkly purple sweater is the best thing EVER!!!
