Tuesday, September 13, 2011

our favorite hike again

We have done this hike in Santaquin canyon several times, but we hadn't done it yet this year because a landslide was blocking the road for part of the summer. So we finally went last Saturday and it was beautiful.
We've discovered with Whitney that she can only walk about 100 meters before she gets bored and claims she's too tired to go any farther. BUT, if we find things to catch her interest or challenge her- " look a butterfly! Let's see if there's any more up ahead by those flowers!" "Ooh, a rocky part of the trail. How many rocks can you step on?"etc.-she can go for miles. It's a bit exhausting, but can be a fun way to hike. She just does not care at all about getting to a destination (besides the car) whereas Katelyn is all about destinations, goals, plans, that kind of thing.

So anyway, we went quite a bit farther this time than we had gone before, because we finally got to the part that we'd been told about, where you have to walk in the river for a while. It was SO cool!! The water was FREEZING and several times Eric and I carried the girls through deeper parts- okay not even up to my knees- and I almost felt like a pioneer! I couldn't feel my feet they were so cold, and it was 70* outside! So I could imagine why, if it was actually cold outside, they would come to a river and just cry because they knew what it was going to cost to get across.
Here are the girls venturing in for the first time
walking on a trail of rocks in the stream
Eric carrying Whitney through this really cool part with rock walls on both sides
katelyn bravely making her way
and later with dad's help
It was fun to discover something new on a trail we already liked.
And Eric only carried Whitney for the last half-mile or so. :)

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