Saturday, March 6, 2010

If you give a mouse a cookie...

We went to see a play last night! The SCERA in Orem has a theater for young audiences, and they did "If You Give A Mouse a Cookie". Here's Whitney and Eric waiting for it to start.
Me and Katelyn
Whitney was making the saddest face ever because the play hadn't started yet! She kept saying "boy" and "mouse" and looking at the stage like "where are they?" and almost crying, it was SO funny. I was so happy I caught this face on camera.
They ended up LOVING it! I wish I had a video of Katelyn laughing hysterically every couple of minutes at something funny the boy or mouse did. She even laughed several times when no one else was laughing! Eric and I agree that we have NEVER seen her laugh that much in a one-hour period! So of course we loved it too. And Whitney was just riveted, not really laughing, just taking it all in.
Afterwards we didn't want to wait in line to take a picture with the characters, so I cheated and took this picture of them and the back of Whitney's head.
We spent the whole ride home recounting our favorite funny parts of the show. Definitely worth it, I will be looking forward to their next production!


  1. hooray for TYA shows!! theatre rocks and props to you for taking them =o]

  2. So fun. I love seeing all the fun things you do with your kids! Remember like 8 months ago when we talked about getting together? We should. Zach and I are moving to Texas in July for dental school - it would be fun to see you before then!
