Monday, October 14, 2019

June- The Wedding Edition

 I fully realize that this is going to be picture overload.  But I could not resist taking one million pictures of my beautiful kids on this perfect June day!  And neither could Eric.  Or the photographer.  Kurtis and Lauren were stunning and so was everything about their wedding. It had to be captured. The children all looked like precious little models with the backdrops of the temple, pretty gardens at the reception, and the dance floor!

Also I can't even try to put these in order chronologically. So we are going with the photographer first, then pictures I took, then pictures Eric took. I should have done them in order of worst camera to best camera so you could still think mine were cool until you saw Eric's, then the photographer's! haha
Here's the kids greeting Lauren and Kurtis when they came out of the temple.

Family picture with Grandparents
Family picture
nieces and nephews picture!
Core family pic
so cute!
Mary with all the littles
our family!
Whitney having fun with Vivi
The whole fam!
Pretty little girls at the reception
Emma kept wanting to "dance with Daddy in her pretty dress" because that's what she wants to do when she gets married someday... so adorable

Whitney spinning Maris,   and Cleo

Owen getting his groove on!  His dancing was so fun to watch!
The kids were so thrilled to get to dance with their princess aunt and handsome uncle!

now my pics. Emma was so cute with her dress!

waiting for the bride and groom!

waiting through pictures

waiting for the reception

the ladies!  sisters-in-law of the bride!

Now Eric's pictures!  Cuties at the wedding dinner the night before:
Family temple pics

Owen's amazing fresh loose tooth haha

cool settings on Eric's phone

Selfie fun

It was so much fun.  We love Lauren and we are SO happy she married Kurtis!!

1 comment:

  1. Okay they do look like tiny baby models Haha. Also you look amazing. #hotmom.
    Owens dance picture made me laugh! So awesome! And i loved the story of whitney not high fiving Katelyn, classic.
