Friday, November 18, 2016

First time camping in the Uintas!

After a week of Scout Camp for Eric and 3 days of Girls Camp for me, the kids were dying for a turn.  So we packed up and headed up to a new place to camp: the Uinta Mountains in Eastern Utah.  And they were gorgeous!!
Despite the stressful setback of not finding our campsite for the first couple of hours we were there, (my fault because I didn't print the confirmation thing and we didn't have service), and one meltdown by me, we ended up finding our awesome campsite and had a good night.

These next two pictures are important even though you can't really see the kids' faces, because this is when we told them the news that we were having another baby!!  They were super surprised and their little faces were so cute and glowing in the firelight, it was cool.  They immediately started thinking of things like "good thing we have one more seat in our car" "good thing we have an 8-person tent" and "we are going to need a bigger kitchen table!" It was funny.  I think someone also said "I thought Dad didn't want to have any more kids!" hahaha.
This is why we had to go on this trip so suddenly, we had to go before I got sick!  And it was just in the nick of time.  I couldn't have handled camping even a week later. 
So it was a special night with the new realization that this wonderful thing, a new baby, would be happening to our family. :)

The next morning was fun.
just hanging out at our campsite by the river.
And THEN we tried to go on this hike that I've been DYING to do, it's called 17 Lakes because you pass 17 small lakes!  How cool!  I even had special fun treats planned to give the kids each mile so we could try to make the whole 6-mile round trip.
BUT of course we parked in the wrong spot and couldn't find the trailhead and so I was super mad and disappointed and Eric was annoyed to not know where we were going and the kids were being whiny so we gave up and hiked around past 2 little lakes instead.  Later we saw the sign for where we should have gone to the trailhead and I was mad all over again.  Maybe someday we can try again....sigh.  But in the meantime the kids barely made it almost 4 miles, so if we had tried to go all the way on the 17 lakes one it might have been awful!  Which I knew, but was trying to ignore.:)
Anyway it was SO BEAUTIFUL! So unique and cool.  The pines, the meadows, the wildflowers!  So unlike all the other parts of Utah that I have seen, all of which are beautiful in different ways.

picnic lunch time,
cool moss on a rock that owen hid under.
A lonely princess waiting for rescue lol.  Katelyn discovered that her hiking shoes, which she hadn't worn in like 4 months, were too small.  So she was grumpy and wouldn't go down to the lake-
to skip rocks with the rest of us.
Yay for family hiking haha.
Maris was as usual the least-complaining child!
Maybe because she got carried a lot. :)
Overall we give the Uintas a thumbs-up.  Can't believe I've lived in Utah for 16 years and this was my first time there!  We will definitely be going back.

And also, here are a couple more random pics that got left off the last post.
glue and watercolors on canvas, and peacocks from Mom Art Class.
And while I was at Girls Camp horses from the field behind us ate our last row of corn!  Apparently I planted it too close to the fence!

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