Tuesday, September 8, 2015


A few more random summer moments:
Hanging out with Kendra and her kids and the MacKays!  Always a pleasure to see them.  Ever since Mexico I have had a special place in my heart for Kendra, mi prima. Her kids are adorable and so fun!
maris had fun with Laura and Seth,

 While Owen had fun with Jenna and Kendra's Caleb, they were all born within 2 weeks of each other!
 good times.
 We have seen a few snakes in our yard!
 Maris has some serious Bieber hair going on.  Or as Eric calls it, Donald Trump hair.  He seriously wants to put her in a suit and comb her hair like his for Halloween!  I vetoed that idea for my baby girl!
 Owen's Halloween costume/every other day costume.
 Every kid does this at some point I think, but I can't remember when my other kids did it, and this was Maris' first time falling asleep while eating at the table!

 Owen carefully dumped out his laundry basket the other day so it could remain a tower of laundry. :)
 I ran a super fast half marathon and killed my legs!  4 days later I'm still hobbling around like I'm 90.  I don't want to get old!  But seriously my splits were so fast, 4 of my miles were under 7 minutes, and I felt great!!  Until about mile 10 when the speed started to catch up with my body/my legs started to feel the pounding they were taking.  Mile 11 was my slowest at 7:58.  But then at the mile 12 aid station I dumped a ton of water on my head and took off to finish the last mile in just over 7 minutes.  My finish time was 1:36:38, the time that will NEVER be beaten haha!  So fast, I was very proud of myself!  And it was a gorgeous race down Payson Canyon!  But since I'm still in pain from it I can't appreciate it's awesomeness fully yet!
 Owen took Eric golfing, did I already post these?  Adorable.

 We went with Melissa to get her endowment and it was awesome!!  
 We had a fun family afternoon at the Spanish FOrk Reservoir because I wanted to take the Kayak out "one more time".  We buried Whitney and then Owen, which surprised me because usually he likes to be so clean!  Also we blew bubbles out onto the water, and the girls swam out to get Eric and try to sink him when he was on the kayak, hilarious.  And the kids made islands out of sand. Good times.

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