Thursday, January 17, 2013

A day in the life of my car

We got our blog book in the mail yesterday, of posts from 2010-2011, yay!  So I was flipping through it and reading here and there, and I realized a couple of things. First, I never post about random things anymore, or describe a "day in the life" or anything.  So I want to do that, maybe right now if I have time.  And the other thing I realized is that we only had one car for the first 2 years we lived here in Santaquin!  I knew I used to run everywhere- the post office, the library, the park, friends' houses- but I thought I just did that for fun maybe, or that I was kind of a weirdo for showing up all sweaty to story time every week!  I had forgotten that we only had one car for so long and I would have to plan out my shopping trips and stuff. Wow, I can't believe I forgot that.  So Katrina, I know how you feel with the one car!  Anyway, I thought I'd do a post that combines these two realizations.  A day in my life (yesterday) and how much I do use my car. :)  So let's see if I can re-create this, more for my own fun of reading it in a few years than anything else....

Wednesday January 16th 2013.
5:45am Eric wakes up.  It's only 6* which means I'm not going running with my running friend. I go back to sleep.
6:45am Eric wakes me up to say prayers before he leaves.  Then I get up and wake up Kate.  Get her breakfast.
7am Owen wakes up. I feed him (While finishing reading Temples: The Refuge and the Reality), then he plays in the kitchen while I pack Katelyn's lunch while she eats and does homework.  Do her hair while she practices the piano.
7:35 rush to put on coats and get out the door to drive Kate to the bus stop ***yes I drive her the two blocks because I want to make sure she gets there safely and I only make her walk if it's over 30*, which it hasn't been since early December. :)  If Owen and Whitney are awake they come and if not I just leave them sleeping peacefully.
7:40 back home.  read to Owen, get him
8:20 Whitney wakes up.  We play with Owen, get in a fight and she goes to her room mad at me.  I tell her she can play with him by herself and I'll stop micromanaging.  She plays with Owen while I get dressed and fix my hair a little.
8:50 Breakfast for me, Whitney, and Owen at the table, then various cleaning up.
9:20 Put Owen down for a quick morning nap since we have somewhere to be at 10.  Me and Whit play Monopoly Jr. (I'm trying to make up for my earlier impatience!) then she gets dressed I get Owen up and we're out the door to
10:00 Tumbling Class at the City Rec Building.  My friend Ashley is there so we chat, I feed Owen snacks and follow him around, watch Whitney do cute little tumbling activities.  When it gets warmer I'll run with Owen in the stroller during those 45 minutes! And, when we had one car my kids weren't old enough to do activities like this!
10:45 class over, talk to another friend (Steph) who came to get another friend's child, and end up deciding to go with them to story time at the library.  Talk to the Rec guy about the class time maybe changing.  he asks me "what is Whitney's schedule?" and I almost laugh, but I do have a schedule for my 4-year old child! Preschool this day, music this day, etc.
11:00 Whitney goes into story time with her friend Cambri and I stay in the car and feed Owen
11:10 Story time, craft, chatting with my friend Steph and planning temple babysitting swap, picking out books, checking them out.  trying to stop Owen from eating crayons and pulling all the books off the shelves.
11:50 Home.  Make lunch for the 3 of us and eat lunch.  Start doing dishes, probably checked facebook, then change into running clothes and get us all ready and out the door again for...
12:40pm  pick up Whit's friend Ellaina to take to Let's Play Music.  Call and talk to Melissa while driving.
1:00 drop off girls, get Owen bundled in stroller with rain cover on (it was sunny and 26* so he was warm and toasty in there!) and run for 35 minutes on the horribly unplowed roads of Payson.  It was warm enough that it wasn't slick, but it wasn't warm enough to be slushy- it was like running through sand!  Great workout!  After crying for the first 10 seconds, Owen slept peacefully.
1:50 take Ellaina home and go home.  Leave Mom and Derek messages while driving.  Feed Owen and read a couple new library books to Whitney.  play with Owen.  clean and vacuum Owen's room.  Clean other rooms upstairs.  Change out of running clothes. ( I just realized I didn't even take a shower yesterday, just changed all my clothes multiple times!  I only wash my hair every other day, but I usually DO shower every day, I promise!!)
2:55  Kate home from school!  owen hurried down the stairs to give her a hug- precious! and Whitney couldn't wait to show her the book she checked out for her at the library and the bookmark Whitney got for her too.  Try and fail to put Owen down for a real nap.  Finish vacuuming upstairs.  Sweep kitchen floor, put out rolls to rise for dinner, do dishes with Owen following me around.  Snack for girls.  Feed Owen early (while reading the Autobiography of Ben Franklin) because I have a meeting later and need to feed him before his usual bedtime that night- he still doesn't want to sleep.  Read Whitney another book, Kate and Owen end up listening.  Do music flashcards with Kate real quick.
4:15 Katelyn gets picked up for Let's Play Music (thank you carpool!) Derek calls back but we don't talk for long because Whitney starts saying "I need some attention!" and pulling on me. Do a quick chore with Whitney so she can finish watching a movie from the day before (she had done the other 4 chores the day before and started it).
4:45 Whit watches Horton while I make calzones and salad.  Luckily Owen wasn't too grumpy in his sleep deprived state and he played with the kid cupboard dishes, went down and played with blocks in the toy room for a while, and then came back up to play with the dishes some more all with little help from me.
5:30 help Whitney get on snow clothes for a spur-of-the-moment outdoor excursion.  Set table while holding a now-grumpy Owen.
5:45- Eric home, Whitney inside, Eric and Owen play while I get dinner on the table.  Eat.
6:00 Katelyn home, Eric's scouts arrive!  She eats while we all finish eating and Eric goes downstairs with the scouts.  clean up from dinner, Whit learns about music with the scouts (because Eric started with the Star Wars theme and she got hooked) while I give Katelyn and Owen a bath (Okay, Katelyn can take her own bath but she sometimes still wants help with her hair, and since Owen was taking his with her I was in there while he was!)
7:00 Eric runs over to help give our neighbor a blessing and I feed Owen his bedtime meal but he still doesn't fall asleep!
7:15 Eric's finally back, we talk for a few minutes and then I'm off to the School Board Meeting.  Call and talk to Mom on the way!  I enjoy talking and making decisions at the meeting while Eric reads to the girls (and hopefully remembers to read scriptures and have family prayer!) and puts all 3 kids to bed.  Woo-hoo!  Owen finally conked out at 8 pm apparently.
9:05 Get out of my meeting and call Mom again ( I seriously had not talked to her in like 3 weeks!).  As soon as I get home Eric's off to ward basketball night, and I talk to Mom until 9:45, lovely! ( although I really should have been cleaning the toy room while we talked instead of just chilling on the couch...)
9:45 Have some ice cream and finish making the calendar I'm getting for free from Shutterfly, then upload a few more pics I need for Owen's baby book, finish that order and check out.
10:30 Eric's home, I facebook/watch TV/talk with him for a little while, until
11pm get ready for bed, check weather and decide it's too cold, text my running partner Steph, pray, read The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla for a few minutes, and I'm out.  Ready to wake up at 5am to feed Owen.  he only does that once a week or less, so it's all good.

Okay so that seemed like a crazy day!  usually I only go one or two places, like to drop off Whitney at preschool or pick up Katelyn or go to the store.  And many nights we don't go anywhere, we're all just home.  This was just a busier one to document!  Luckily after 9pm it's usually chill time, although sometimes there's laundry or dishes that must be done at that point.  My favorite times of the day are probably- a random fun conversation with Katelyn in the morning, she loved her math homework and it was cute to see! And so many funny conversations with Whitney constantly, since we're always together! (the other day she asked me where Satan lives since he was kicked out of heaven, and at the end of our whole conversation about that, she said " I think I know what song Satan doesn't sing on Sunday!" and sang the "if you chance to meet a frown... turn it upside down and smile it away" song.  She said he's probably singing "turn that smile into a frown!" So cute.  So we talked about how Satan does want people to be unhappy!  And my favorite moments with Owen yesterday were when he would try to communicate by nodding or signing something, and several times when I was holding him and he would hug me and pat my back, or hug a little stuffed animal and pat its back, he is the CUTEST boy ever.  I really don't remember being so in love with every little thing my girls did as I am with him!  Eric says it's just because I'm a girl and Owen's a boy. :)  So he's irresistably adorable to me??  Probably I've just forgotten what it's like to have a sweet 11-month-old child. :)  Oh and that's my other favorite moments, at 11 pm laughing with Eric about things the kids did that day. :)

Okay now I'm done.

1 comment:

  1. wow, I have had days like that, often!!! so fun to document it!
